

Welcome. Thank you for joining me as I build my model railroad, the Continental Northern Railroad.

I got my start in model railroading much the same as a lot of people. At about the age of 6 my brothers received new HO scale train sets and my father built a 5 X 9 table for them. In order to keep me away from them, I was given an old American Flyer S scale train set.  However I was far more interested in the train table, with it’s multiple mainlines and scenery. Relenting my parents finally caved and got me an engine and a few cars that I could run on the layout. I remember exactly what they were:  a red M&StL Lionel diesel hustler, a red M&Stl boxcar, 2 DM&IR hoppers and a yellow DM&IR caboose. I still have them.

I spent hours running trains, working and reworking scenery and scratch building structures for that layout. And then I hit that time of life most everyone seems to go through, cars, girls, college and starting a family. At some point early in our marriage my mother asked what I wanted to do with all that “old train stuff”, going through the boxes brought back a lot of memories. Watching me go through it my wife ( who is truly a saint) said that maybe I should build a small layout that the kids and I could play with. If only she knew the Pandora’s box she was opening.

My wife and I live in a northern suburb of Minneapolis. Our 3 children are now grown and have started their own families. We have 2 grandchildren who are interested in trains, mostly Thomas, but have yet to appreciate a detailed model railroad. We both work for a west coast fashion designer overseeing their retail operations.

And again, thank you for joining me on this journey.


4 thoughts on “About”

  1. I found your website while searching for photos of a completed Walthers pier terminal (HO scale). I just started adding a second floor office to the kit I built. I was curious how other enthusiasts detailed the interior. I have not seen everything on your website, but what I have seen is awesome. I have been collecting HO scale trains and structures for years, but I have never had a realistic layout. I am in the process of constructing my bench work. A friend with experience at model railroading is designing some different layouts to accommodate the structures I have.

    Thanks for sharing your photos and information about your layout. You do really good work!

    1. Thank you for the kind words. If you need more information on something, let me know and I will try and cover it in a post for you.

  2. I know this might be a long shot. I’m currently building a quality craft gatx 96500. In my search for reference pics your site was unearthed. I was curious if you could email a few close up pics of the bolster assemblies. Reading the instructions, looking at the blueprint, and the measurements given don’t add up.

    You have been doing some great work! I’m definitely going to bookmark the page.


    1. Danny, I will get those to you as soon as I can. Give me a day or two. Thanks for the vote of confidence. Mike

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