Woodland Scenics Structures…

Much like the rail cars I have been building and reviewing most of what I present to you was purchased back in the late 80’s and early 90’s. While at a train show during this period my wife picked up for me pretty much the whole selection (at that time) of Woodland Scenics metal structures.

They are: The Pharmacy D221, Gas Station D223, The Dr. Office – Shoe Repair shop D224, Floyd’s Barber Shop M111 and Tommy’s Treehouse M107.

These are great little kits. I just always thought them a bit smallĀ  when put next to other HO structures. Not out of scale, just small. And that’s why I never did anything with any of them except the treehouse.

Anyways, I came across them (again) and decided it was time to put them together. Once I did start working on them I figured out exactly where and how to use them. The pharmacy, Dr. Office and shoe repair are basic 4 walls and roof kits. The gas station comes with the outside details and the barber shop comes with both outside and inside details.

I won’t go into great detail on how I assembled them. Basically cleaned the castings. Then using a T bar sander squared up the walls. I used CA to glue them together. Primed and then painted them. I stuck with the advertised colors for the buildings. The barber shop required painting the interior before assembly.

Floyd’s Barber shop.
Interior pieces for the barber shop.
Woodland Scenics pewter metal buildings.
Woodland Scenics gas station.

The barber shop painted and going together.

Woodland Scenics barber shop interior completed.
View thru the front window.
Another view of shop.
Finished shop with lights installed. Ready for layout.

And the pharmacy, Dr. Office and shoe repair.

The woodland Scenic buildings ready for the layout.

The buildings will be going into Addison and form the core of the downtown area of this small town. The structure size does work well with the other buildings in the town. I am in the process of putting together this scene and should have photos soon.

Till then, stay safe and Happy Modeling…


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