It’s been a month since my last post and I’m sure you would be expecting a report on progress on the layout. Though there has been no progress I can now ( happily ) tell you that there will be progress soon. Let me explain.
For the last 13 years both my wife and I have worked for the same company and quite honestly saw our futures there. Unfortunately that was not to be. The company has had some financial difficulties and everything was on the table, pay cuts from top to bottom, possible layoffs and terminations.
During this time everything was uncertain and my wife and I talked over all scenarios. Included in these were ” the worst case scenario”. That being that if we had to we might have to sell the house and move into a rental until things got better. Let me tell you that is a very sobering thought and it wasn’t till later that when I went downstairs to my ” happy place ” that I realized that meant tearing down the layout. And while I thought about that, I started to wonder if that happened would I ever be in a position again to again buildĀ a large layout or any layout.
After discussions with the owners, we took a severance package, and then started to make calls. I can now happily tell you that we have found employment with another company with a tremendous amount of growth potential. Though it is not the future that we envisioned originally, it is a future that is exciting, with a little bit of the unknown thrown in. Kind of like building a large layout. It’s not exactly like you planned, it changes, but it all works all for the best.
I did keep busy during this time and will post very soon on this.
Until then, Happy Railroading.